How do we protect life in the oceans?

There are 5 oceans on our planet: the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic and the Antarctic… all linked to each other. They form the World Ocean.

This Ocean represents three quarters of the surface of our planet and is home to a wide variety of species.

But for 50 years now, with the increase in pollution and fishing, ecologists have been sounding the alarm.

To protect the oceans, associations and countries have set up 4 protective measures:

Limiting fishing, preventing oil spills, protecting fauna and flora, and creating Marine Protected Areas.

The Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources has now decided to create the biggest Marine Protected Area in the world!

Its surface, one and a half million square kilometers, is as big as France, Germany and Spain together.

This protected area is in the Ross Sea, in Antarctica, one of the last wildernesses on earth.

There are huge colonies of Adelie Penguins, Emperor Penguins, petrels and Weddell Seals.

Certain species are endangered and their main food, krill, is declining because of climate change.

By protecting this region, scientists hope to save this biodiversity.

Fishing but also tourism, which disturbs these animals, will be forbidden.

There are now 5,000 Marine protected areas in the world. Cool!